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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My lazy song

Week 4 of my weightloss situation and it is a hard week so far, it seems like I cant get up in hte morning, I am definitely not as motivated as I was the first 3 weeks and I wish for a magical weightloss cure every day. Did you ever have to lose weight in your life? Well let me tell you something my husband did not he is so slim and thin you would think he was a crack in the wall if he stood sideways. hehehehe (I hope he never decides to read my blog he will hang me out to dry, which does not sound like such a bad idee right about now, good weight loss can come from such harse treatment).

No really he sometimes makes it impossible for me, he loves me the way I am and dont get me wrong I am greatfull for that, but the other day I told him how I am lusting after a piece of fudge but he knows that is the last thing I can eat right now, but what does he do the next day he buys fudge and tries to literly stick it down my trought.

In such low days I just keep reminding myself things can only get thinner o sorry I mean better.

Every step I take is a step closser to the thinner me but then again everything I eat feels like I am overdoing it, which is not really the truth, it just feels like it. Us women, never satisfied.

So what happens to me today, I ran into a woman I know who used to be bigger than me, much, and she lost so much weight she looks like a new person and afcourse much thinner than me. Not good for my vunrable ego at the moment. What is that saying "God if you cant make me thin please make my friends fat".

Thanks for keeping an eye on my blog, I will keep it updated. and the picture thing, this is so not a good week for that the way I feel, I think I will break the screen.

Ari Vidatsi
The Fat Lady

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